Refund Policy

At Pheatherine we have done our upmost to create content and material for you that we feel is beneficial and healing. We strongly advise that you go over content repetitively in order to help create a healthy lifestyle, change patterns and rewire the brain. If you choose not to take our advice onboard, that is your personal choice. We don’t provide refunds simply because your circumstances have changed, or you change your mind.

You can cancel your membership here at any time.

There is no refund on monthly memberships.

You may request a refund on your annual membership if your request is received within 30 days of your first membership payment. The amount refunded will be the annual fee less an administration fee of $120. You will be charged for the months used at the standard rate without the discount offered upon payment of the full year’s subscription. 

There is no refund on eBooks, online courses or workbooks.


Updated: 19 April 2024